今天,企业的竞争比以往任何时候都更加激烈,瞬息万变的市场. Trends shift overnight, disruption is constantly threatening established markets, and new competitors are constantly emerging. 可以肯定地说,今天的商业领袖没有他们需要寻求的挑战. 

Effectively navigating these increasingly competitive industries 要求企业家和高管能够获得准确、及时的财务信息. Without reliable financial insights, 商业领袖每次做出重大决定时,实际上都是在猜测, from hiring a new employee to opening a new location. 

But developing those insights is no easy task. Many businesses under-invest in accounting and finance, 相反,他们选择只做最低限度的工作,以确保按时报税,让投资者高兴. That’s a behavior that holds businesses back, 使领导者看不到潜在的增长机会,并导致在处理重大财务问题时产生重大的不确定性. 

许多企业缺乏发展所需的会计和财务专业知识,这是有原因的:建立这些能力是复杂的, 昂贵的, 和耗时. 许多中小企业(smb)缺乏招聘资源, 资源, and staff an in-house accounting and finance team. 但与此同时,和一个兼职簿记员一起溜达也不够. So, what’s the solution?

Enter outsourced accounting firms. By partnering with an outsourced accounting firm, 企业可以将所有的会计和财务任务委托给有经验的第三方服务提供商. This produces all kinds of benefits, 从更精确的簿记到接触到经验丰富的金融专业人士. 

In choosing an outsourced accounting firm, 重要的是要记住,有一件事可以放大所有这些好处:选择一个对当地商业环境有直接了解的外包会计合作伙伴. 

But what exactly is an outsourced accounting firm, 以及与印第安纳州的外包会计师事务所合作对印第安纳州的企业有何好处? Read on as we explore the answers to those questions 和更多的. 

Outsourced 会计 Explained

每个企业领导都熟悉会计的过程:记录和分析企业财务交易的过程. 通常,默认的信念是,这必须在内部处理,要么使用基本的 Quickbooks setup, hiring a bookkeeper, or even hiring a full-time accountant. 

This solution is often suboptimal for many businesses, leaving their accounts disorganized, 过时的, 和不准确. 会计是复杂的,如果一个企业缺乏建立正确的会计系统和流程的专业知识, it will likely run into difficulties managing its finances. 

与外包会计师事务所合作,企业可以委派一些人, 或全部, of their accounting and bookkeeping tasks to an external vendor. These services, which are typically provided by 注册会计师事务所, 采用一种久经考验的方法来建立会计框架,使企业能够更清楚地了解其财务业绩. 

Outsourced accounting services, which are also known as Client 会计 Services (CAS), typically come in three tiers:

  • Outsourced Bookkeeping雇用外包簿记员可以使企业将核对银行账户等任务委托给他人, 发送发票, 和更多的. 
  • Outsourced 会计 or Controller Services: an outsourced accountant, sometimes known as an outsourced controller, works on tasks including monitoring budgets, 运行工资, and producing financial reports. 
  • Outsourced CFO Services这些业务主要集中在重大战略问题上,如筹集投资和提供咨询&一个交易.

No two outsourced accounting engagements are the same. 外包会计师事务所和企业之间的每一种关系都应该是不同的,因为每个企业都有一套独特的财务需求. 专注于寻找当地的合作伙伴,他们会花时间了解你的业务,并帮助你制定一个成功的未来计划.  

Three Reasons to Work with an Outsourced 会计 Firm in Indiana

There are outsourced accounting firms all over the county, but if your business is based in Indiana or close by, 你最好考虑在当地找一个有能力处理你所有会计需求的合作伙伴. 


  • Understanding of 当地税务 Regulations一家在印第安纳州拥有庞大客户基础的公司比一家在美国另一边的全国性外包会计公司更有可能了解印第安纳州税收法规的复杂性. 这不仅可以确保遵从性,还可以通过确保您利用所有可用的资源来节省业务资金 税的机会
  • Local Business Connections: business is a team sport. Success is driven in part by the strength of your network. 一家扎根于当地的外包会计公司将能够向你介绍各种各样的当地专业人士,他们可以帮助你发展业务, 包括律师, 银行家, 和更多的. 
  • Ability to Partner More 关闭ly虽然技术使虚拟协作比以往任何时候都更容易, sometimes it’s better to be able to meet face to face. 当你把你的会计需求外包给印第安纳州附近的公司时, you’ll be able to do exactly that. At LBMC, we regularly welcome clients into our 路易斯维尔 office. 

重要的是要记住,除了所有这些好处之外,企业还可以通过首先将会计师事务所外包来实现广泛的好处. Those include factors such as cost savings, efficiency improvements, access to best-in-class accounting technology, 和更多的. 

Meet LBMC: An Outsourced 会计 Firm for Indiana Businesses

雇佣一家外包会计公司可以为你的企业财务带来巨大的好处, but hiring a firm located close to you can be even more powerful. 与当地的外包会计公司合作可以让你建立更紧密的关系, 接入新网络, and better navigate state tax laws. 

如果你对在印第安纳州的一家专业外包会计公司工作感兴趣, the team at LBMC is here to help. 在路易斯维尔州边界对面有一个便利的位置, KY, 我们很自豪能够为遍布印第安纳州的数十家企业提供服务. 

要了解更多信息, contact an advisor today